2021 Polk School District Spelling Bee winner Cynthia Crowe (right) is awarded a gift card by Debbie Ross representing the Polk County Rotary Club, who sponsored the event.
Repesentatives from Polk School District’s eight elementary and middle schools, who won their school’s respective spelling bee, competed for the district title at the Polk County College and Career Academy on Tuesday, Jan. 12.
2021 Polk School District Spelling Bee winner Cynthia Crowe (right) is awarded a gift card by Debbie Ross representing the Polk County Rotary Club, who sponsored the event.
Contributed by PSD
2021 Polk School District Spelling Bee winner Cynthia Crowe (right) is awarded a gift card by Debbie Ross representing the Polk County Rotary Club, who sponsored the event.
Contributed by PSD
Repesentatives from Polk School District’s eight elementary and middle schools, who won their school’s respective spelling bee, competed for the district title at the Polk County College and Career Academy on Tuesday, Jan. 12.
A Rockmart Middle School student held her ground and out-spelled her fellow top Polk County spellers last week to claim the district-wide title.
Cynthia Crowe, an eighth-grade student at Rockmart Middle, won the 2021 Polk School District Spelling Bee on Tuesday, Jan. 12, after battling it out with seven other middle school and elementary school representatives at the Polk County College and Career Academy at Cedartown High School.
The spelling bee, which was sponsored by the Polk County Rotary Club, pitted the individual winners from Polk County Schools’ elementary and middle schools against each other to determine who will represent the district at the Georgia Association of Educators Region 1 Spelling Bee on Feb. 27 at Georgia Highlands College in Rome.
The region winner and runner-up will advance to the GAE State Spelling Bee in March in Atlanta.
Cherokee Elementary student Marcus Ross finished as the district runner-up at last week’s event.
The other school spelling bee champions who competed at the district level were Isabella Palacios, Cedartown Middle School; Shyane King, Eastside Elementary School; Julissa Ramirez Velasquez, Northside Elementary School; Lane Slater, Van Wert Elementary School; Will Harrison, Westside Elementary School; and Valentin Rangel, Youngs Grove Elementary School.
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