♦ I will have to look to others to be the judge of my reality here, but I try to be a well-mannered, Southern gentleman, admittedly more than a bit old school in my day-to-day life and dealings with others. There is still a good bit of sarcasm, and to quote former Atlanta Mayor and U.N. Ambassador, Andy Young, more than a bit of “smart-awhite boy” in me ...but as a general rule, I try to live by the Golden Rule.

But let’s say, for sake of conversation, that I didn’t pay income taxes for a couple of years, while my income exceeded a few million dollars each of those years. And let’s assume in this hypothetical that I am also a drug addict, who left my wife and the mother of my children to seduce and marry my brother’s widow, and that I traded on influence and family connections most of my life, becoming a felon and carrying unregistered firearms illegally ... I am thinking that if I did all this, and dropped by the White House, that I would no longer be summering at the family beach house in Rehoboth.

Bill Crane is a syndicated columnist based in Decatur. He has worked in politics for Democrats and Republicans, respects the process and will try and give you some things to think about. Your thoughts and responses to his opinions are also welcome, bill.csicrane@gmail.com.

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(6) comments

Howard Peterson

Did Joe Biden get 81 million votes in 2019? No, he did not! The Jan. 6 people protested against Democrat CHEATING in the National election thanks primarily to mail in ballots caused by COVID 19, a Democrat "blessing" despite over 1 million people dying! Criminals in Portland, LA, NYC, Seattle, Minneapois and many other cities walk the streets free as birds while voting protestors stepped inside the Capitol and took pictures are now spending years behind bars. It's all about fairness and thus far, the Democrats are FAR, FAR ahead!!

Billy Bob

And your proof of this is...? Tossed out at every level of court by multiple Trump-appointed judges. People died during the insurrection. What happened to "back the blue"? You are a joke of a person.

Howard Peterson

I'm not the joke. I'm laughing at you!!

Billy Bob

😂 what a weird response.

Howard Peterson

No worse of a response than one of yours. I presume you have LOST your common sense!!

Howard Peterson

I take that "common sense" comment back. You can never lose what you have NEVER had!!!!!

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