Family and guests greet the wagon carrying Ronnie Campbell at the end of his funeral procession from Friendship Baptist Church on Grady Road to Antioch Baptist Church on Feb. 28. The well-known farmer died on Feb. 25 at the age of 70.
Family members, including grandchildren, ride in the wagon carrying Polk County farmer Ronnie Campbell to his final resting place at Antioch Cemetery on Feb. 28.
Family and guests greet the wagon carrying Ronnie Campbell at the end of his funeral procession from Friendship Baptist Church on Grady Road to Antioch Baptist Church on Feb. 28. The well-known farmer died on Feb. 25 at the age of 70.
Family and guests greet the wagon carrying Ronnie Campbell at the end of his funeral procession from Friendship Baptist Church on Grady Road to Antioch Baptist Church on Feb. 28. The well-known farmer died on Feb. 25 at the age of 70.
The wagon carrying Ronnie Campbell on his funeral procession passes by his home on Grady Road on Feb. 28.
Family members, including grandchildren, ride in the wagon carrying Polk County farmer Ronnie Campbell to his final resting place at Antioch Cemetery on Feb. 28.
A “unique” request provided a lasting memory for a Polk County family recently as they bid farewell to a beloved member of the community.
Ronald James “Ronnie” Campbell Sr. was carried to his final resting place in a mule-drawn wagon as part of his funeral service on Feb. 28. Campbell, a well-known farmer, died on Feb. 25 at the age of 70.
The wagon, which included his grandchildren, departed Friendship Church on Grady Road and traveled south, going past Campbell’s longtime home and farm before turning onto Antioch Road and arriving at Antioch Baptist Church.
Campbell was interred at Antioch Cemetery following a service at Antioch Baptist Church officiated by Rev. Jonathan Blackmon and Dr. J. Marcus Merritt.
Pam Arp, with Freeman Harris Funeral Home in Rockmart, said it was “a unique request,” but one that they were glad to help in personalizing their services to meet the family’s request.
Campbell was born May 23, 1950, in Cedartown to the late Billy Campbell and the late Tommie Lou Simpson Campbell. A 1969 graduate of Rockmart High School, he was a high line maintenance worker for Georgia Power and a lifelong farmer.
He is survived by his wife, Cathy Campbell, whom he was married to for 45 years, a son and two daughters, as well as grandchildren.
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