MARIETTA – The McEachern girls struggled on second leg of back-to-back games, falling to Milton 67-36 in the Nike Elite Classic on Saturday at Wheeler High School.
Following an emotional 47-41 loss to rival Hillgrove on Friday night, McEachern (7-12) coach Phyllis Arthur said the challenge of facing Milton (15-6) less than 24 hours later helped make things difficult for the Indians.
“It’s a big challenge,” Arthur said. “We really played really really hard last night. We played with one of the best teams in our region. We gave it all we had - poured it all out last night and just didn’t have a whole lot to give today. It’s not an excuse, but when you’re young like we are, they don’t know how to bounce back the way we played last night.”
Milton didn’t waste any time building a large lead in the first quarter, ending the period up 21-8 thanks largely due to nine points from Londyn Walker.
The Eagles didn’t yield in the second quarter, extending the lead to 36-11 at the half, allowing just one field goal to the Indians in the period.
Throughout the second half, McEachern slowed the Eagles at times, but never brought the game back within question. Walker finished the evening with 17 points to tie her teammate Deyva Davis for the game-high.
Caroline Young and Chassity McCammon combined for 17 as a supporting cast.
McEachern’s only player to finish in double-figures was Ava Couzens who finished with 10 points, followed by Summer Edwards who had seven.
Despite the disappointing result, Arthur said there were a handful of positives to take from the loss.
“We got some people on the bench that could come out there and give us some minutes - we haven’t seen that lately,” she said. “Some points, we know we still got a long way to go. But, the good part about it is we’re so young that we got a long time to get there.”
As the year continues, Arthur said there will be an emphasis on improving the groups’ box-out ability and attitude.
“Boxing out, not giving up and not crying on the bench (will be addressed),” she said.
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