
Walton High School has the land it needs to bring softball and tennis back to campus.

The Cobb County School District officially purchased about 5 acres of land near Walton High School for $2.6 million during a board meeting on Thursday. Following executive session, the board voted 6-1 on two recommendations by board member Charisse Davis, who represents the Walton and Wheeler clusters in east Cobb.

For You

(4) comments

Nancy Velten

Taxpayers have spent enough money on Walton High School.

Mike Nelson

Walton will always get what it wants. Walton parents have the money and can give the campaign donations to get what they want. Just how it is.

Tom Hamm

Cobb appraised values for 1483 Pine Road is $553,900 and for 3753 Providence Rd is $283,660. How can the Board of Education justify spending 3 TIMES the appraised value of these properties? And how much will it cost to clear and develop the athletic facilities? I guess the they think they're buying votes in the upcoming elections (NOT).

John Hollner

I believe the previous property owners took advantage of the county's school district.

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