Atlanta International School in Buckhead is being spotlighted by Architectural Digest magazine’s article on the most beautiful private high schools in each state, which was posted to its website March 29.
The article by Hannah Huber states, “Though some of these learning institutions may look more like college campuses than high schools, they all share one commonality: to groom their students for the next level of education and the ‘real world’ beyond. Many even use their campus’ design to encourage learning and creativity, offering state-of-the-art performance centers and stunning sports fields. Some are rich in history and landmarked by the state; others are forging new paths on eco-friendly learning.”
Atlanta International was honored, in part, because of its main building’s architectural beauty.
“Designed by Atlanta architect Philip Shutze, the Georgian-style school plays host to students from all over the globe seeking a world-class education,” the article states.
In September, in the magazine’s feature listing the nation’s most beautiful public high schools in each state, Milton High in north Fulton County was singled out for Georgia.
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