For the first time this election season, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will be sharing a debate stage. But in order to prevent outbursts that defined the debates of the 2020 election, Thursday’s event comes with a special set of rules.

Hosted at CNN’s studios in Atlanta, moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will be responsible for cutting off candidates’ mics as soon as their speaking time is up. There will be no props or notes allowed on stage, and no live audience to cheer or boo.

Salleigh Grubbs pic.JPG

Salleigh Grubbs

Essence Johnson

Essence Johnson

Georgia Gang.PNG

Panelists on Fox 5’s “The Georgia Gang” Sunday.

Alisha Thomas .PNG

Former state Rep. Alisha Thomas Searcy, D-Austell, speaking on Fox 5’s “The Georgia Gang” Sunday.

Fani Willis at AME Church

Attorney Nathan Wade, left, jokes with an AME member as they wait for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to speak at Turner Chapel AME Church in Marietta in this June 13, 2024 MDJ file photo.

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(6) comments

Howard Peterson

Do we need to "Make America Great Again" or what?? It's NOT time to "Make Aliens Great Again" which is what the looney Democrats are all about!!

Howard Peterson

No drug test Big Guy?? That means only 1 thing. You will be higher than the space station during the debate. We can only wonder what Hunter gave you to drink, smoke or swallow prior to 9 P. M.

richard plent

What is the drug that makes you smarter? If there is one maybe you should try it.

Howard Peterson

I don't know what it is! The same thing that made Biden HIGHER than a kite at the State of The Union Speech. Yes, I could use some just as you could.

Howard Peterson

Wasn't it Democrats who said that men could get pregnant?? And you think I'm dumb??

George Don Spruill

The puppet masters who "run" Joe Biden (Obama's people) set up some outrageous rules, figuring that DJT would refuse to debate the Demented One; 1. Only one debate, 2. No audience, 3. Two extremely biased moderators (Jake Tapper likened DJT to Hitler and Dana Bash bashes DJT on every occasion), 3. Cut the mic off, so that DJT can't challenge the many Biden he lied in 2020, 4. No props or notes (DJT is not the one needing notes...although the Demented One usually reads the directions "Pause" for example. And of course the Cobb Democrats Chair, Essence Johnson was totally for it. She's a Democrat! They love this kind of stuff. But, here's the kicker. I want Joe Biden to do well, because I want him to have to run on his Godforsaken record. If the Dems substitute anyone else, they have a chance. I don't think this guy can even win with Democrat monumental cheating, like they did in 2020. Bring it on! Our guy's going to win this thing, regardless of what the evil, wicked, Democrats do.

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