The Marietta Police Department received the 2016 Dr. Curtis E. McClung/Motorola Award for Excellence by the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police Monday night in recognition for the department’s efforts to improve the public’s response to active shooter situations.
The annual award recognizes an innovative program started by a department that fosters excellence in law enforcement. Marietta’s program Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events earned the award.
Created before the shootings in San Bernardino and Paris, the foresight of the Marietta police put the department in the spotlight as the first seminar received over 800 local residents respond to attend. After a successful and overwhelming response to the first seminar, police tailored the program to school faculty and staff to create a more specialized program, Teachers Response to Active Shooter Events.
The Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police awarded the Marietta Police a $1,000 prize to grow the active shooter programs.
The Powder Springs Police Department also received awards for their programs from the association.
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